Happy Staturday, Skaliens. Let's take a look at the latest transaction data from across the SKALEverse this week.

10 Dec 2022, 15:04
Happy Staturday, Skaliens! Let's take a look at the latest transaction data from across the SKALEverse this week. 👽🚀✌️ A quick note: Last month Exorde launched their beta platform on SKALE Mainnet, and we immediately began seeing astronomical increases in transaction volume and gas fees saved. While troubleshooting with the SKALE Labs Engineering Team, it was determined that it would be easier to optimize and iterate in a testnet environment, and Exorde was temporarily moved off of mainnet. Since our stats page only reflects mainnet transactions, Exorde's transactions are not currently represented in those charts. Thankfully both teams are hard at work, and we anticipate Exorde's return to Mainnet in the very near future.